CRCE Credits

How do I receive my CRCE credits?

In order to receive Continuing Respiratory Care Education (CRCE) credits for the 2024 NRRCC, you must complete a "Speaker Evaluation" for every session you attend. All of this is done through our website and your unique Attendee Portal.

Here is how it works:

  • Towards the end of each session, an evaluation will become available within your Attendee Portal.
  • To access that evaluation, click on the "Session Details" button associated with that presentation. This is located in the "My Schedule" area of your Attendee Portal.
  • Every time you complete and submit a session evaluation, you earn 1 CRCE.  
  • After the conference, you will be emailed a completion certificate that will include all the CRCE's you've earned. 

FYI - There are 14 CRCE's available throughout the conference (for paid registrants only). In addition, students are not eligible for CRCE's.   

If you have any questions or issues, please stop at the "NRRCC Registration Desk."  

Important Dates

EXTENDED through Tuesday, May 7
This is the FINAL deadline for completing the required CRCE evaluations through your Attendee Portal. You will not be able to complete evaluations or earn CRCE's after midnight on May 6th as the Attendee Portal will become inactive. There are NO exceptions.

Monday, May 13
The NRRCC Committee will submit all earned CRCE's to the AARC by this day. At that time, you will receive an email (to the email address you registered with) with your CRCE completion certificate. Retain that for your records as we do not keep copies. 

FYI - It takes some time for CRCE's to appear on your AARC transcript. Make sure to use your completion certificate, which was emailed to you upon completion of your evaluations, if immediate proof of CRCE is required for licensure, the NBRC, etc.

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